“El Parrón” Subway station looks peaceful. There are no much people waiting for the train. There’s a young man listening some music and is seating watching an advertisement. The train finally arrives. Doors open and a guy about 20 years old comes out running quickly and screaming his head off. His body is in flames. He runs towards the stairs but his body hit the ground before the first step. Some ladies shout in horror. The boy with earphones comes next to the body. The smell of burned flesh rounds the place. Some security guards come running to see what just happened. From the speakers you can hear that the train is going to be stopped for a longer time than the usual. The security guards don’t let the people come closer and one of them sends another one for a blanket or something to cover the body. By radio they ask for the police.
Inside the train a young man is bothering a girl. He is a flaite. He beats the girl many times. Nobody does anything. This scene caught the attention of everyone on board. There are some boys listening some music that take their earphones out of their ears just to pay attention to what this couple is arguing about. The young man complains that she is cheating on him. She denies. He is rough with her and calls her “bitch”. She tries to push him but she doesn’t succeed. He is stronger.
In front of them and leaned against the door there’s a girl about 16 years old. Seating on the floor she beholds this scene. Anger runs through her veins
There’s a lady next to this couple and she calls him “coward” and he responds with “get in you own business fucking witch”. Nobody does anything.
Arriving to “El parrón” Subway station, the body of this guy starts to set on fire, which seems to be coming from his own body. Shocked, some passengers start to scream, others don’t know what to do. The girl that is besides him shouts ¡Julio!, ¡Julio! He shakes. The doors open and he comes out running.
“Departamental” Subway station. The couple comes into the train and they are arguing. The lady next to them disqualifies them with one look. She knows that they are from some poor neighbourhood and that they don’t have education because of the way they look and talk.
The girl in front of them doesn’t care about them. She notices though, that the man has a smell of liquor. She guesses that there would be a conflict. The man starts to increase his tone of voice. There’s no physical damage yet but the girl has already a black eye. The passengers suppose that he beat her before.
The boy with the earphones in “El parrón” station is next to the body. The beaten woman comes out of the train to see his burned boyfriend and cries as she can’t speak.
She gets to her boyfriend’s body and kneels without knowing what happened. Nobody has an explanation. The security guards ask how this could happen and nobody knows anything. Some people from inside the train come down to talk with the security guards. They tell them that the man was beaten the girl but nobody knows how he could burn out of nowhere. The fire appeared “like by an act of magic”.
The boy with earphones notices that the only person that decides to go immediately from the station is the girl that was listening to some music inside the train. She goes towards the stairs and a smile we can see in her face.
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